fredag 5 juli 2024

Attention!!! Punk Illegal 2024


We will be at the Punk Illegal festival from the 12:th till the 13:th of July. All DISTRO will be brought and we will most likely sell out of many titles. If you still want to place orders you’re welcome to do so before Thursday 11:th of July. I’ve decided not to close down the store, but to keep you all aware about the fact that it’s possible to see titles gone. 

The reason I choose not to close the website till I’ve managed to do a full inventory is that I know that many of you guys have the patience and also like to order our releases, which we are in stock with. Also to be able to keep it running instead of being totally closed.

See you if we see you at this year’s Punk Illegal fest at Svartmyra.

#punkillegal #punkillegal2024 #distro #diypunk #benefit #fuckthesystem #resistance #notenoughrecords

måndag 1 juli 2024

SLAN , Ägd - LP out now

 SLAN, Ägd - LP

Gothenburg power d-beat rawpunk. This is their follow up to their well recieved first 7”, and what a follow up. It’s angrier more raw and yeah, more of everything.

Fast and angry as fuck!

co release together with



Rawmantic disasters

Way back when records

Design by Cretan and Andreas.

Recorded by Mattias and Pojo february 2024.

Mixed and mastered by Mattias Persson.

#slangbg #slan #rawpunk #gotheburgdbeat #ägd #notenoughrecords #autoreverserecords #flyktsoda #rawmanticdisastersrecords #waybackwhenrecords